Monday, May 3, 2010

Lucas 6 months! {{Fenton Child Photographer}}

Well after a long ordeal with my computer 's hard drive dying I am back to work!

I did Lucas's Maternity, newborn, 3 months & now his 6 months pics!
Boy was he good! So smiley & he laughed a ton!!!

Enjoy your sneak peek!!



and my fav so far!!



Andrea Yinger said...

Love, love, LOVE these, Christina! Great job as always! Lucas is such a cutie:)

Sabrina said...

Oh my goodness... GORGEOUS!

Alaina Wiens said...

Look at my little old man!

Nikki H said...

Another job well done. Can't wait to see more :)

Granny K said...

Sooooo Cute!!!!