Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fenton Newborn Photographer

This was a fun newborn session despite the fact that Miss G did not want to sleep! Poor thing :) She was such a calm baby, the only time she got upset was when we tried some naked pictures, I think she was a bit cold. The pink cocoon Miss G is snuggled in is from Stephanie, check out her other products here:

Hope you like your sneak peeks mom!!




While we were waiting for Miss G to fall asleep we got some cute ones of big brother!



Jane Johnson said...

Great pics of adorable kids.

Andrea Yinger said...

Great job, Christina! The baby and her big brother are just precious! Makes me want to have another one just so I can get pics like these!

~The Harrison Family~ said...

Christina! You made me one happy momma today! I love them and can't wait to see the rest!! Thank you!

Rachael said...

These are adorable! these look way better then the hospital pics they take! Great work!

Anonymous said...

Aww those are absolutely adorable! Lucky Parents!!!

Anonymous said...

Gracelyn you are more than beautiful...absolutely gorgeous!!!
and Ethan you match your sis!!
Grandma P

Anonymous said...

These pictures are fantastic! I love them.


Tricia said...

These are gorgeous photos of two very beautiful babies! I want to see more! :)

Anonymous said...

Woww, what gorgeous pictures of the Harrison siblings, love them. Very artistic...those pics should be in magazines!!!! :)
Well done! (Kat)

Anonymous said...

Those are the most beautiful pictures!! Wow!! ~Ginger

SimplyTamiK said...

Great shots and perfect little posers too! They are sweet.

Anonymous said...

Adorable... These are some great shots!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures - i will definetly recommend to anyone i know who is expecting - they grow so fast and this is a wonderful idea.

Kim said...

The pictures turned out so great!! I love them.

Anonymous said...

Too cute... makes me really want a little girl! :)

Anonymous said...

what beautiful babies!! great job with the pics

Anonymous said...

So so so beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos of beautiful kids!

Anonymous said...

absolutely beautiful, they look so natural. (dnk1008)

Anonymous said...

Miss. G is so darn cute and her big brother is so very handsome!!

Jen Langguth said...

Love the pictures of Gracelyn! Absolutely fab. Our babies never slept for the newborn pics with the photographer, you will treasure these forever.

Joy said...

These are amazing and beautiful!