Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Nicky turns One!! ~ Bloomfield Hills Michigan Child Photographer

I have a HUGE sneak peek today! What a great photo session this was! We even had to deal with 95 degree weather. This was Nicky's 1year session and he so good for us :)

My FAV!!! LOVE those eyes & lips!!

and it wouldn't be a 1 year session without the cake!!

Become a fan of Christina Kingsley Photography on Facebook!!


Danielle Gordon said...

This is my son and he was great but the pics are unbelievable...nice work Christina!

Terri said...

Comment #1:

Amazing shots! I was brought to tears! My favorite is your favorite, but they are all so great. I guess all that sweating was worth it, huh?

~The Harrison Family~ said...

Comment #2: What a handsome little man!! You do such great work Christina, I am so happy with my pics:) I love the one you love as well as the one with the little girl who I assume is big sister. Too cute!

Anonymous said...

FABULOUS, FABULOUS, FABULOUS... You have us begging for more shots. Save some cake for me little man!!!

Daddy said...

These are great. Showing off the pics at the office. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the shots.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Amy in Atlanta LOVES the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't pick one favorite they are all so great.

Anonymous said...

Extremely talented photographer and an absolutely awesome model! These shots really capture the innocence and maturity of Nick! Love them all.

Jeffery Bagnasco said...

What a beautiful boy---and the pics are great!!

Helen said...

He's soooooo cute can't stand it!!
The pictures are great!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing, what fantastic looking kids!

Karen Maletzke said...

These are beautiful pictures, great shooting!

Susan Brown said...

These photos are absolutely gorgeous, great photography and photogenic kids!

Unknown said...

Nice work. You have a great eye for the camera!
You really captered this beautiful boy. They are all great shots!
I want grandchildren!

Karmel said...

Awesome Pics. Love the eyes too. He's such a natural with the camera. Future model???
Christina you have so much talent.

Julie Sikorski said...

I see a future career for this one...what beautiful pictures!

Diane Goethals said...

What beautiful pictures. I love the picture with big sis and lil brother! Fantastic photograpy work!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Baby - Beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

I am so proud!

Here's your tip said...

Really great work! What a cute kid to work with too!

Anonymous said...

So super cute!!!