Thursday, September 3, 2009

Miss P. turns 1!! Fenton Michigan Photographer

This is the 3rd time I have photographed Miss P!! Mom and I went to High School together and lived in the same subdivision!

She is turning 1 this month! This is part 1 of her session, Mom is getting her a birthday outfit from Etsy and we are going to do part 2 as soon as it comes in, along with some family shots.

I Adore these pictures and I am so happy we were finally able to get some outdoor shots!

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Andrea Yinger said...

OMG, Christina! I'm so excited to see the rest because these are just amazing! Great job, yet again. And I can't wait for the next session. I found the perfect onesie for the holiday card:)

Alaina said...

If I wasn't already in love with this baby, I would be now! These are amazing!! Look at those blue eyes. Fabulous.

Unknown said...

Wow Penelope is getting big quick! Andrea and Nick you guys made such a cute baby :) Isabell has some stiff competition! And Christina, lovely photos once again!

Sabrina said...

Amazing photos!! She is getting so big and is beautiful.

Nikki said...

I am in love with your work! Andrea and Nick, you have a BEAUTIFUL daughter! said...

holy, swirly bokeh ... these are great!

Christina K. said...

thanks everyone!

Anonymous said...

Adorable baby! Great pics by Christina K.

Rick said...

What a great job!!!!
She is such a beauty

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Anonymous said...

Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb

Anonymous said...

Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb

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