Sunday, November 15, 2009

Abbie & Cole - Michigan Child Photographer

This is probably the 3rd or 4th time I have photographed Abbie & Cole. They have grown up so much since the last time I have seen them & they were so sweet together!!


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I LOVE this one :) Abbie didn't want to give me any big smiles - I think she was in super model mode. What 1st grade girl wouldn't be? LOL!

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Unknown said...

I love them ALL as usual! The one of them together where he is hugging her about brought tears to my eyes. The one with Abbie in the field looks like it could be a album cover! YOU ROCK LADY!! I love love LOVE THEM :)

Andrea Yinger said...

I love the coloring on the last one of Abbie. The colors are very retro. She should be in a GAP ad:) Great job, Christina!