Monday, November 16, 2009

Miss P. Part 2 - Fenton, Michigan Child Photographer

This is Part 2 of Miss P's 1 Year session. Mom ordered a couple outfits from Etsy & were waiting for them to come in. I am glad we did because they are sooo cute!!!



Oh, how I love peace signs :D


Look at how sweet they are, what a great family!! Check out Mom's lashes - Gorgeous!!! I am so jealous!!


She carried rocks around with her for almost the whole session. At first she didn't want to give up the car keys. I'm happy she switched to rocks, lol!!



Andrea Yinger said...

Oh YAY! I love these, Christina! You really got Penelope's goofy and tomboyish side. She's definitely no princess, and I'm ok with that:) Awesome job and thanks again for coming down Saturday!

Kristina Johnston said...

Carter and I love them! He kept saying "Pe outside" as we looked at them. So cute!

photomum said...

These are beautiful! I love the one of the family. LOVE.

Christina K. said...

Andrea- so glad you like them! I love that she is tomboyish :)

Kristina - Thanks & I can't wait to meet you and Carter Saturday!!

Katie - Thanks! - I love family pics :)

Jen Hogan said...

Wow! I love the shot of her hair blowing in the wind, and the shot of the three Yingers is absolutely beautiful. I love pictures of happy families. said...

that tu-tu is toooo much! love it! great job!

Lorraine said...


Alaina said...

The family shot made me all weepy. Granted, I'm a little weepy these days, but it's beautiful. Great job capturing her big personality. :)

Stephanie Brown said...

These pics are beautiful and capture the beauty in all of them! I love them . . . . thanks Christina!